Croncast - 2008-04-09.mp3
Show: #478
Length: 28:01
Size: 19.2 mb
Format: mp3

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Special note: Betsy and Jeanie are having a meetup in San Francisco May 21, 2007 at House of Shields 39 New Montgomery St., Time: 6:30 p.m., stop and have a drink or two!

The cough has subsided
Talk of the vacation Jeanie
Did you brush the baby's hair?
How about a coat?
I need to show up and take care of this stuff
What kind of planning are you talking about?
You will be tourists
I don't like to travel and feel like a tourist
Hopping on and off the bus
You will organize your trip for junk
You won't be able to bring junk home
What are you talking about?
I will be FedEx'ing that stuff
I have a funny box story for you
I went to a new Kinkos
They weren't my people
She says, "Do you work at Alta?"
What is Alta?
You were missing the clear plastic purse
The retail mistrust of employees
I can't imagine working in retail the rest of my life
Did my bit
Then she gets it
The light went on, she realized I was a dumpster diver
Sustainability 101
I choose to do this
Did you come to college to find a wife?
I knew I was going to marry you
It was one of those things
Thinking about moving
It will not be Nicaragua, Mr. B
Covered in yesterday's pot pie