Croncast - 2006-02-23-best-of-year-one.mp3
Show: #198
Length: 1:19:48
Size: 54.8 mb
Format: mp3
Croncast - We're Coming Over - Best of Year One
Croncast diaspora it is time to come together again. To begin facilitation of our re-unification I will try to make my peace with you by offering up something that brought me to tears yesterday. Tears from laughter.
Like many of you who listen to the show and send messages of how you were laughing and crying in your car, on a plane, commuting to work on a train or otherwise listening to the show and spitting your beverage on your computer; that was me yesterday in a Kinko's parking lot.
I was sitting there because, like all of you, I neglected something that meant a great deal to a listener. You see, Melissa M. from Sacramento had purchased We're Coming Over as a birthday gift for her boyfriend and I hadn't shipped it. Neglected, she sent email and a voicemail to remind me to send it.
There I was at Kinkos testing out the audio CD that has the best of year one on it and I was laughing so hard that the other people in the parking lot were staring. I might have even been clapping. It is a wonder to me that I ever go out in public with how many embarrassing stories Betsy has told about me.
Anyway, I would like to send out today as a podcast, the best of year one to you. You deserve it.
I have neglected nearly everything and everyone for the last month and want to apologize. All in my life deserve better of me.
Yes, you are part of my life.
Melissa, thank you for your patience, persistence and kind voice when I explained that your DVD was on it's way for today.