Croncast - 2005-02-28.mp3
Show: #83
Length: 16:00
Format: mp3
Bit rate: 64 kbs
Size: 7.33 mb
Croncast - Betsy and her husband Kris Ep. 43
Becaon News (a local paper) online version
The PDF with photos is right-cheer.
The start of the new M-W-F schedule of shows while we prepare for the baby to come in the next few weeks and continue to record extra shows for use once the new one arrives.
Today Betsy welcomes the end of the month, Kris and Betsy's love of the Peach Blueberry muffin, the "wave" gum, tractor brand affiliation and Gung-Ho references.
Local paper runs Sunday article about Betsy and I, the online version no photo and the scanned PDF is right-cheer. Betsy and I want to thank the writer David Garbe and the photographer for taking the time to hang out with us. The best part of the article is that Betsy gets the "podcaster" label.
Most people we told missed the article because it was in the business section, even though it was on the front page. Guess our friends didn't know that section existed.
Betsy gets a special call from her "eccentric" father after his return from the Antarctic upon his reading of the article and uses her Vicky voice in this show.
That's the wrap up. Give us some votes at Podcast Alley today when you have a chnace.