Croncast - 2005-02-09.mp3
Show: #70
Length: 19:29
Format: mp3
Bit rate: 64 kbs
Size: 8.92 mb
Croncast - Betsy and her husband Kris Ep. 33
Today's show is a Betsy hostile takeover. Not really But she talks a lot today about her pregnancy, forgetting about her auctions, the PTA meeting she attended last night *laughing like you wouldn't believe as I type this*, hot lunch, no time for pizza man, haze of Marlboro smoke that Kris grew up in and finally Bety's suburban mommy guilt.
Did Betsy or Kris say these?
"I was supposed to live in the city and be single and having sex and doing drugs until I fell over at 40."
"I need a beer and a cigarette . . . this baby's still in me."