Croncast - 2004-12-31.mp3
Show: #43
Length: 37:38
Format: mp3
Bit rate: 64k
Size: 17.2 mb
Croncast - Betsy and her husband Kris Ep. 17

Croncast - 2004-12-27.mp3
Length: 25:14
Format: mp3
Bit rate: 64k
Size: 11.5 mb
Croncast - Betsy and her husband Kris Ep. 15
Today's show is Besty and Kris getting warmed up after the holiday weekend. We're both still sick so today's show is a shorter than usual and probably even less focused.
Starting today we've moved th show to a new format that listeners can count on:
M W F - Croncast will be co-hosted Betsy
T Th - Crocast will be hosted by Kris and he will speak with a guest
I imagine that once we are both over our illnesses things will get back to the pace they were before with banter, humor and the same sounds (sans coughing) that you are used to.
Today's Show
URLs and email
New format
Betsy has a fever
Hope everyone had a good holiday weekend
Betsy got a new purse
The fever and the baby
Kris plays wrong show for family
New listener welcome
More coughing
More devices
Apology for Thursday's show
More nose blowing
Playing no more shows for family
Don't want to talk about about it
Coughing, nose blowing and more coughing
January 26 not July 28th
12 days of podcasting
Pay up first
Kris needs a new toothbrush
Not pregnant for 4-6 hours
Kris' Museum of Science and Industry family pass
Private bathrooms and member lounge
Cough cough cough
Not going to rub the feet
Snow in Texas
Frontline show about evil Wal-Mart
Horrible credit card company
The need to breed, new house . . . new baby
Name her Mabel
Betsy is the most competitive person on Earth
Baseline for money
Temperature time
Why did Santa bring me too much stuff?
Betsy leaves to call doctor
Send get well messages to Betsy
Thank last week's guests - Susan, Amy, Shane, Betsy and Jolie