Croncast - 2005-11-18_2.mp3
Show: #189
Length: 38:05
Size: 26.8 mb
Format: mp3
Croncast - Betsy and her husband Kris 147
Show Notes
Shameless promotion for "We're Coming Over."

Kris is back from San Francisco
Listen to the previous podcast to hear my morning in SF
Diced ham and eggs
It's 6 a.m. in the midwest 4 a.m. on the west coast
3 rings to answer, it takes a while to get two call girls into the bathroom
Cubicle to cubicle
Dinner at Aqua
Looked like the Disaronno commercial
Musical interlude for fixing Betsy's mic
So what was aqua like?
It was like Friday's?
The fast food of the sit down world
Itsy bitsy entrees
Fluke might not be the tasting food I have ever had
It was so good that I tucked my shirt
It was a business trip
No corporate heirarchy will take away Betsy's divaness
It is hard to sleep when spouse leaves town
Kris was at the Hilton and Betsy was at the cul de sac
Elliot gets Goodwill
The same fire burning inside that Betsy has
The bi-polar asian dude
What he wanted for Christmas
Creatures from the stuffed animal bin
That was your childhood, not his
You gotta watch the guy
You'd think he was Hertzakaveenan
Never show your interest in any item if you want it
Betsy's hesitation caused the loss
Kris, it is your fault but I forgive you
The receptionist thought I was hot
My co-workers were giving me a hard time about it
Yup, he thought I was hot
The suit, I looked so good that I looked gay
I was in San Francisco for 5 minutes and had a boyfriend
My hetero posse picked up on it, I didn't
Kris is completely socially retared
We were both our happy places
The once a week show deal has us all screwed up telling stories
The suit story, I will spare the show notes on this
Carson Pierre Scott - worst shopping
Over $50 I will never shop in their store again
So for $50 they will never get a penny of my business again
How much do you think a regular customer spends over their life-time in their stores?
"At Your Service" signage should be changed to "We Hate You. Give us your money!"
He's gonna get thrown out by security
So I bought my suit from Von Maur
My suit is currently owned by Bank of America I should have it paid off in a year
Kris sort of did
It wasn't a threat, it was a promise
Dreaming about the receptionist
Like it is 1974 and I'm a swinger
If a man named Paolo calls give him my cell
So Betsy is going back to Carson's, where's the love
Wholesale $.99 retail $299.99
Wal-Mart looks suspiciously like Goodwill except with multiples
6 pounds of Charmon and 25 push-ups
Rumor starts here:
To aleviate avian flu, cure it childrens Moltrin in high doses taken rectally.
Marshmallows are not the perfect food
We're Coming Over. - Get your's you selfish beast.
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