Croncast - 2005-08-10.mp3
Show: #148
Length: 32:52
Format: mp3
Bit rate: 64 kbs
Size: 15.1mb
Croncast - Betsy and her husband Kris 107
Check out the new Flash Player with a Croncast playlist.
Happy Anniversary Mr B
(Awww . . . baby I love you too!)
Kris admits his crush for Benson Dubois
Kris's favorite movie as a youngster was
The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas
The guilty pleasure of Rock Star INXS
Jessica sucks
Kris has never called a 900 number- isnt that weird
Local boy drowns in liquor store
Kris can only shop at Walgreens
a Weight Watchers recipe
Kris has Waldorf salad flashbacks
Being raised on Miracle Whip
Adds to the sickly Smith palor
Faces of Death- something to watch on Daddy's weekend
but the worst is the Faces of Death puppy edition
Where is the monkey in the table restaraunt
It could be worse you could live here
My plans for when the real estate bubble bursts
Kris still wants to work at NPR
I dont want to eat Ramen the rest of my life
Why do men pee in the shower
Magic elves that keep Kris's environment clean
Men really are unable to process women's voices
Its true- I saw it on the news
Elliot wants to be an actor
or a magician
I want him to have his own cubicle
Kris feels I have swathed him in bubble wrap
Kris likes bad girls
