Croncast - 2006-05-17.mp3
Show: #228
Length: 31:42
Size: 21.7 mb
Format: mp3
Betsy and her husband Kris May 17, 2006

I'm recovering
I have children that need to be distracted with sharp, dangerous objects
Betsy parents like Britney Spears
Letting strangers raise you child
Squadron of papparazi following you
Betsy is my squadron
Punishment arguements
Interceding with bareness
He cannot change his focus once he starts to focus
Hey buddy syndrome
The craziest lion analogy you have ever heard
No problem with the punishment
You just want to be his friend
You're mom is out of hand
Parenting differently than the other parent
Barb starts running around the house
Sleeping on the floor is weird
What battles you choose as a parent
Playing video games for better hand eye cordination for sports, Kyle?
Kris can't beleive that Betsy remembers that
Betsy says my PSP will end up on eBay
Cats suck.
I am giving Betsy a ticket to Florida . . . to be eaten by an Alligator
Flooding in the North East
The clip of the same guy on his roof waving
People are being eaten everyday in Florida
I blame the pimps
If I was a pimp
Kris's ladies would play PSP all day
Betsy channels her dad with a "big wide world"
Laughing hurts Kris's body
To all my homies, wear the jock
The beauty of the black jock strap
Henry forgot to mention that the Doc was a conservative
I was hoodwinked
Honduran plastic surgery next
I will agree with anyone who has needles and thread down there
Colony on guam with my seed, you bet
Sterilizing a liberal
Notching up for each one
Chicago politics
"They" inlcudes you now too
Seeing the light
Betsy needs to provide for herself
Kris breaks it down for Betsy
Betsy admits that Kris was right and couldn't believe that I called her on it
Our vacation is plans are on hold until later today
The Gigi evil face