Croncast - 2006-06-28.mp3
Show: #242
Length: 36:32
Size: 25.1 mb
Format: mp3
Betsy and her husband Kris June 28, 2006

Betsy says she's depressed over pet urine contamination
It is a multilayered issue
Using the leftover laminate from the basement
Put together by cheap labor in Cambodia
Kris puts out a HBO television reference
Then reminds himself that it is no different Star Trek Next Generation
Video mocking Star Wars fans waiting for Episode III
Shout out to Dave and Melissa
Dave broke his thumb and is prepping for California Bar
Betsy says the bar in CA is really tough
She could walk in to a grocery store and they would give her money back
Betsy speaks to CA living prices
Living with 5 cousins in a 2 bedroom ranch for the same price
Birds don't live birth babies
Talking about the vacation stories
Four hours later, does the story ever end?
What does your brethren think about your pilaging of Goodwill for your profit?
You left the price tag on it bitch. I know what you paid for it.