Croncast - 2006-06-21.mp3
Show: #239
Length: 31:19
Size: 21.5 mb
Format: mp3
Betsy and her husband Kris June 21, 2006

Now is when we get back to reall life on the cul de sac.
I bring it for the gammarians, you know who you are
Betsy talks about her new blueberry allergy
Eating blueberries out of a 50 lb pound bag
Betsy voted 5 times in an election
The cul de sac block party getting down
The shopping all on Betsy
GFS is like Costco without membership card
Macaroni salad
Betsy says it was made during "The Great War"
How many hot dogs are in a box
79 lbs of frankenfurters are there in ounces
$7 for 100 lbs of blueberries
Eating what you want
Talking while stained issues
It's self-tanning where you end up with orange paws
What are they doing to the inside of your body
Were back to regular shows now with a few updates on Slowsky
The contest for the iPod
We'll announce the winner next Friday
All next week we will read the best and make a decision
Google ranking for John Elway Dodge
Betsy tells the full Madonna concert story
Sorting out gender
Betsy should have known she would take it as a challenge
Non-lyric knowing friends
Maggie makes many many more noises
Kris' anti-social casualness
The block party for the neighborhood
The Unitarian party for the Unitarians
Friday . . . Kris explains why he wasn't there