Croncast - 2006-07-05.mp3
Show: #245
Length: 30:17
Size: 20.8 mb
Format: mp3
Betsy and her husband Kris July 05, 2006

Hopefully you still have all your fingers . . . US listeners
Smuggling trips to Missourri for fireworks back in the day
Betsy thought it was breaking the law . . . it was
Fireworks at the golf course and the river to put yourself out in
Betsy points out that I make fun of her too often for garbage picking
Betsy takes us back to 7 years of age and her junk addiction
Hitting golf balls into the river, looked like cobble stone
"I'm going to go in an get those and sell them back to the golfers"
Doing recon at the pro shop to set a price for her used
People who buy them from her yard
Betsy says Kris needs to step up for corporate jobs and golf . . . what?
Those are the men who would set the price for grain in my area
Don't come home and tell me that you ever said no
Kris has been a grumpy bastard
A little more anniversary talk
Turns out Betsy doesn't really want moldy rose
Maggie will need waxing in first grade
Hair wraps with Betsy
Born to own her own salvage yard
Kris and his pee pee get burned
Kris wears the pinapple pants all day
Nice loose pants
A review by BSquared (also known as Bernadette form Adelaide, Australia) at Podcast Alley
The JEDOA Story from Tom at Scribbles From LA
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