Croncast - 2006-04-10.mp3
Show: #213
Length: 36:35
Size: 25.1 mb
Format: mp3
Betsy and her husband Kris Apr. 10, 2006
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Show Notes

Betsy forces me to schlepp the equipment to the bedroom for the show
We did a 45 minute ong show that will never see the light of day
It will be placed in the vault
No one wants to hear two honkeys talk about immigration
The first sub-division garage sale of the season
No sleep for Betsy as she comtemplates the greatest day of the year
Tape versus stickers for garage sale pricing
The Rubbermaid bin is the ultimate garage sale impule buy
Free bins at garage sales
Garage sale ettiquet
Free stuff goes at end of driveway
Sales in Eden had bing at end of drive
Showing up too early
Betsy sees her people before the sales start (it is amazing to me)
Betsy not buying the store
I prefer my wife not buy a used breast pump from a teenager with studs in the fron of her face
They are Betsy's people but she can't deal
The eBay effect
The family that thrifts together stays together
Making the most of a day stuck at the store with Booba
Betsy lays out the Swedish Spaghetti (look for it later in the blog)
There is a new Croncast website which will explain the massive RSS downloads you've received
Thanks to Garrick Van Buren of First Crack podcast for the art direction