Today’s guest is Troy Parsons, Crohn’s Warrior and IBD advocate. Diagnosed 10 years ago at the age of 17, Troy has faced adversity, enjoyed accomplishments and successes, and suffered failures. But, through it all, he has continued learning, seeking health, and is ready to face any challenges that the next 10 years may bring.

Since a young age, Troy has always been into sports and nutrition for performance. But after his diagnosis, food became less about enjoyment and more about fueling his body. He shifted his mindset away from eating for pleasure to learning how to best manage his Crohn’s while providing his body with the most nutrition possible. His mantra, “nothing tastes as good as healthy feels.”

It’s taken him years of trial and error to discover what his trigger foods are and how to prepare other foods so they are more digestible. His healthy lifestyle, combined with surgery and medication, finally has him in a good spot with his disease under control.

Troy shares his experiences with elimination diets, meditation, fasting, and other tools he turns to during a flare up, such as bone broth, liquid diets, and smoothies. He also talks about how he’s learned to listen to his body over the years–resting when necessary and using practices like yoga or meditation when his body isn’t up for an intense workout. No matter what you do, however, he encourages everyone to find an activity that is fun and keeps you active and to do something you enjoy single every day.

After starting his blog and sharing his journey online, Troy became involved with Oshi Health and has been continuing to raise awareness for IBD.

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Follow Troy:
Instagram, Twitter, Facebook: @flaredupfitness

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