Today’s guest is Katie Vyn, who was diagnosed in her early 20s with Ulcerative Colitis. Only one year after her diagnosis in 2000, a blood clot in her leg was the driving force that took her to the hospital where her colon ruptured and she underwent an emergency colectomy. Since then, she’s been growing stronger, living life, sharing her story, raising awareness for IBD, and advocating for fellow ostomates.

We talk about food and fitness and how both affect her mental and physical well being. Active since a young child, Katie talks about how fitness is central to her life–practicing discipline, improving her energy and mindset, and providing a community of support and love. She also shares how she focuses on eating a clean, vegan diet that allows her to feel her best.

Over the past year, Katie has quickly grown her voice as an IBD advocate. After starting her Instagram, @mygrandcanyon, to begin sharing positivity and support for fellow ostomates and chronic-illness fighters, she now advocates on YouTube, Twitter, and is finishing her training to serve as a Patient Coach for 11 Health.

Her YouTube channel serves as a place to “encourage young artists and athletes, raise awareness for invisible illnesses and disabilities, and share inspiration to keep living our dreams,” focusing on messages of resiliency and hope.

Through our conversation, you’ll hear for yourself how Katie’s love, positivity, and inspiration shines through in everything she does–life is a beautiful journey.

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Read Katie’s article on Medium: 
“The Choiceless Choice: Near-Death Experiences Taught Me To Live”

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