Today’s guest today is Jim Bell, a Crohn’s Warrior since the age of 8 who was inspired to run his first marathon at the age of 44. In this episode, Jim share his Crohn’s journey, why running has become a passion for him now, and what he’s doing to raise awareness for Crohn’s and Colitis.

Though he describes his disease as mild, Jim has been through 4 different surgeries that has resulted in about 40 inches of his small intestine being removed and had over 25 blood transfusions in a matter of one year. He’s fought many flare ups–large and small–throughout the years and shares his tips on managing stress, mindset, and flares. He shares his experiences with medications and has been on Humira since it was first available as a drug trial.

Jim also shares how running has become a passion, part of his Crohn’s management, and a way for him to raise awareness about Crohn’s and Colitis. Jim said in a recent blog post, “I run because I can. I run for those that can’t that deal with this disease.”

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