Like you, I had a lot of questions regarding the Microsoft Dynamics 365 July 2017 Update (v. 9.0), so I asked Param Kahlon (GM of Program Management, Dynamics 365 at Microsoft) to join me on a conversation to answer my questions.

I asked Param questions about:

Dynamics 365 Strategy and Vision How does that strategy and vision compare with the competition's Key new capabilities of the July 2017 release Why so much emphasis on "Insights" Virtual Entities and the future of "Integration" for Dynamics 365 His favorite feature of the new release What can MVPs, customers, users, and other professionals do to help his team continue to improve Dynamics 365 and its momentum Future events where he'll be speaking Encouraging words to those organizations who were "forced" (see what I did there? :)) into another CRM Solution and might be considering moving to Dynamics 365