Once again, the Vox finds themselves back in Wellspring, and looking for a new adventure. Before they make any decisions about where to head next though, they have a few errands to run… and some chaos to cause. In this episode, Jerome learns some new skills, Leif goes on the ride of a lifetime, Snow misses some crucial context, and Mogan finally comes home.

Content warning for profanity.

You may find the transcription for this episode here.
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DM is Xaan who can be found @xaandiir on all platforms.
Vae is played by Alex.
Snow is played by Bean, AKA Alexa, who is @alexandra_jaden on Twitter.
Kareus is played by Kian who can be found @lostfanboy on most platforms.
Jerome is played by Lady.
Mogan is played by Queen.
Leif is played by Selah who can be found @_str4wberrymilk on Twitter.

Theme song is Melody by Emorie.
Cover art is made by Anum Ranjhaa (@anumranjhaa)