After finally bringing Vae home, the Vox spend some time just recovering and enjoying one another’s company. New bonds are formed and friendships are reaffirmed, and a certain couple goes official. In this episode, Vae and Valen have some good nerd talk time, Snow and Mitra go out to experience Wingston’s religious scene, and Jerome learns what it means to be a friend. 

Note: Due to real life obligations, both Queen (Mogan’s player) and Selah (Leif’s player) could not attend this session, and will not be present for today’s episode. Don’t worry, they’re (probably) not getting up to any trouble on their own.

Content warning for profanity and implied past emotional and physical abuse.

You may find the transcription for this episode here.
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DM is Xaan who can be found @xaandiir on all platforms.
Vae is played by Alex.
Snow is played by Bean, AKA Alexa, who is @alexandra_jaden on Twitter.
Kareus is played by Kian who can be found @lostfanboy on most platforms.
Jerome is played by Lady.
Mogan is played by Queen.
Leif is played by Selah who can be found @_str4wberrymilk on Twitter.

Theme song is Melody by Emorie.
Cover art is made by Anum Ranjhaa (@anumranjhaa)