After a brief break while Kyle moved and we both were slammed at
work we once more return to the podcasting world with a new fresh way
to find ways to make ourselves worse! Oh yes, now we watch each other
while recording and it leads to some pretty interesting distractions
but oh well, it was our first time with it! Here is what we discussed: Kyle
moving, Demon's Souls, Uncharted 2, PSP Go, pinball games, Dead Space,
Shadow Complex, Perfect Dark Zero, Motorstorm Arctic Edge.

Music in this episode: Bit.Trip Beat, Buckner & Garcia, Norrkoping Symphony Orchestra

Special Thanks: The Fanboys Lunchcast for putting us up on their forums.

You can reach us at [email protected], leave a voicemail at (909) 278-7453 or Twitter at criticalstrike

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