Previous Episode: Critical Fail 23
Next Episode: Critical Fail 25

Okay, I know that the episode is severely late this time around. But, in my defense Godzilla and X-Men: Days of Future Past came out within a week of each other. What is a person to do in a situation like that? Would you remember to post a podcast like this with those blockbusters in theaters for your enjoyment? You probably would, wouldn't you? You're the best, and we love you! I could say that we won't see a delay in episodes again, but you all probably know better by now. So enjoy the newest episode and cross your fingers that the next installment comes in a timely manner, and listen as Tarok returns after everyone else does the hard work, with his nurse by his side no less. The group also take a crash course in D & D 101, Carrie uses a magic D20 that rolls almost nothing but critical hits, and we talk about old Nickelodeon shows and the greatness of Dennis Hopper. Thanks for listening if you are still around, and if you have not subscribed yet make sure you do so on iTunes or any podcast listening service you may use.