In this episode of Inside the Box, Trevor and David look into Wim Wenders: The Road Trilogy, featuring Alice in the Cities, Wrong Move, and Kings of the Road.

Trevor Berrett and David Blakeslee are pleased to present Inside the Box, a podcast series that explores the riches in the various box sets released by The Criterion Collection. In this episode, they discuss Wim Wenders: The Road Trilogy, which contains Alice in the Cities, Wrong Move, and Kings of the Road.

In the 1970s, Wim Wenders was among the first true international breakthrough artists of the revolutionary New German Cinema movement, a filmmaker whose fascination with the physical landscapes and emotional contours of the open road proved to be universal. In the middle of that decade, Wenders embarked on a three-film journey that took him from the wide roads of Germany to the endless highways of the United States and back again. Each starring Rüdiger Vogler as the director’s alter ego, Alice in the Cities, Wrong Move, and Kings of the Roadare dramas of emotional transformation that follow their characters’ searches for themselves, all rendered with uncommon soulfulness and visual poetry.

Episode Links

Wim Wenders: The Road Trilogy – The Criterion Collection

Alice in the Cities (1974)
Wrong Move (1975)
Kings of the Road (1976)

Wim Wenders — Wikipedia
Peter Sobczynski at Roger on The Road Trilogy
Trevor’s look at The Road Trilogy
Trevor’s new book podcast: The Mookse and the Gripes

Episode Credits

Trevor Berrett (Twitter/Website)
David Blakeslee (Twitter/Website)

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