David Blakeslee and Aaron West sift through the clues embedded in the annual New Year's info dump from the Criterion Collection.

Hot off the press, David Blakeslee and Aaron West get together to dissect the clues provided by the Criterion Collection’s annual Wacky Drawing hinting at upcoming releases for 2018.

Follow along with our conversation by referencing the alphabet-coded breakdown of this year’s illustration by Jason Polan.

Links to past analyses:

Here are links to the various drawings from the past few years

2010 – Criterion.com / CriterionCast.com
2011 – Criterion.com / CriterionCast.com
2012 – Criterion.com / CriterionCast.com
2013 – Criterion.com / CriterionCast.com
2014 – Criterion.com / CriterionCast.com
2015 – Criterion.com / CriterionCast.com
2016 – Criterion.com / CriterionCast.com
2017 – Criterion.com / CriterionCast.com
2018 – Criterion.com / CriterionCast.com