Hello everyone and welcome back to the Top Ranked Criminal Justice Evolution Podcast. Please take a moment and give us that 5-Star Rating and Review on Apple Podcasts. We would appreciate it. 

A special thanks to all the brave men and women who work in the criminal justice field. Remember you are honored, cherished and loved. A big shout out to the Dispatachers who have a tremendous job and are often overlooked. Thank you! This is National Dispatchers Week, so reach out to a dispatcher and say thank you.

Zig Ziglar said " If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you. " 

Powerful words from one of the greats. We learn all the time, or we should be. What about you? Are you continuing to learn about you and your life? This moment in time is never going to return. What you do now can determine the course of your life. When it comes to mental health and addiction, do you think your recovery is magically going to come to you? It won't and it will never will unless you move forward and reach out.

One of the most difficult things I ever did was reach out for help. It was very hard and I was ashamed. I was fearful. I know you are too. But, my recovery started at Shatterproof and my life took off from there.  You will get out of your recovery what you put into it like anything else. 

If you are suffering, and you need help I encourage you to reach out. If  not me, then someone else but please do it. I am always here for you.


[email protected] 

my confidential email: p

Have a safe week and stay tuned for more great guests on the top ranked Criminal Justice Evolution Podcast.



