Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday by The CJEvolution Podcast. MM's are a quick way to get you motivated and inspired for the start of your week. Please take a moment and give us that 5-Star Rating on Apple Podcasts we sure would appreciate it. 

A big thanks to YOU, the first responder or the Criminal Justice Professional for all you do. You are honored, cherished and loved. Please don't forget that even when you are in a storm. Take care of yourself and others, and be safe.

Thank you Detectachem for sponsoring this show. Never heard of Detectachem? This innovative company is protecting YOU, the criminal justice professional from various threats from: Illicit drugs, explosives and now COVID-19. This application based technology is a must have for your organization. Check our their link at www.cjevolution.com

I recently spoke to a friend who told me that life can be divided up into different storms. The Pre Storm - Everything seems to be going well in your life. Maybe you have some problems (like all of us), but they are manageable and you are getting by. The Storm - This can be anything from divorce, depression, anxiety etc. A lot of people, maybe YOU, are in a storm right now. You will make it through the storm, but you will need help. You will always need help. The Post Storm - You made it through. You are getting you life back together and hopefully you have learned from being in the storm.

Remember that you can make it through anything. You have to develop the WILL to make it through. You are not an island - Remember that. 

For a long time I thought I could go it alone. I was wrong. It was only after I reached out and landed at Shatterproof did I start to realize that life is a team sport. If you want to hear more about Shatterproof and how it can help you, please reach out to me - 303-960-9819.

Go out and conquer your day and week.

Stay tuned for more great guests on the CJEvolution Podcast



