Hello everyone and welcome back to the Criminal Justice Evolution Podcast - Microcast Monday Series. Special thanks to all the brave men and women who serve in the criminal justice field. Thank YOU for what you do. Remember you are honored, cherished and you are loved.

39% of first responders suffer from mental health problems, addiction or both. First responders are a unique group of people that don't open up that often. FHE Health - Shatterproof program for First Responders knows this. 80% of the staff at this amazing program are former first responders and in some cases were prior patients of Shatterproof. If you are suffering or if you know of someone who is suffering please reach out today - 866.768.9792 or you can contact me directly at 303.960.9819 for more information. 

You are not alone. You are never alone. 




I was once afraid. I was afraid to open up and tell people about the things I was dealing with and suffering from. But there was a time in my life, a dark time, where I wanted to end my life. That was my catalyst moment. That's when I reached rock bottom. I knew there were two options. 1) End my life 2) or seek help. I put my fear aside and picked up the phone for help. I know you are afraid. I was too, but you don't have to live in fear anymore. The Shatterproof Program is here for you and other first responders who are suffering. 

Remember that no one can change your life but you. I believe in you. I love you. You are important. You are significant, and You matter to so many. 

Please reach out.


Stay tuned for more great guests on The Top Ranked Criminal Justice Evolution Podcast.



