Hello everyone and welcome back to Microcast Monday. I created these short bursts of inspiration and motivation to get you started on the right foot for you day and week. Go out and conquer it!

Please take a moment and give us that 5-Star Rating and Review on Apple Podcasts. 

I big shout and thanks to YOU, the Criminal Justice Professional. Remember you are honored, cherished and loved. Stay safe, take care of each other and come back safe to your families. Keep up the great work.

If you are depressed, isolating, feeling alone, have addictions, there is help.  FHE - Health Shatterproof Program for First Responders is here for you. This is the best program for first responders in the nation and I was a former patient. Remember you have to take that step forward and you can. I believe in you and I love you. 

See the link on the cjevolution site for FHE Health - Shatterproof Program for First Responders or reach out to me directly at 303.930.9819.

Do you ever go through you house and think to yourself " I have too much shit that I don't need or no longer want?" I know I do. Then get rid of it. Sell it, give it away, or throw it away. That "Stuff" is causing YOU STRESS!

The same goes for relationships. Do you have family or friends that are weighing you down? Do they constantly dump on you? Maybe its time to leave those relationships. I know it can be hard, but your emotional and physical well-being should be more important than the thought of upsetting someone or hurting their feelings. 

Take control of that today and leave relationships that are no longer serving you. You will be better for it. 

Go and conquer your day!

If you want to reach out to me please do. You can find me at www.cjevolution.com


Stay tuned for more great guests on The Top Ranked CJEvolution Podcast.

