Did you know that many of the attributes Santa Claus actually come from a beloved winter witch?  The giving gifts in a stocking if you’re good, leaving you a lump of coal if you’re bad, and the whole sliding down the chimney to do so schtick? Yeah, that’s all plucked straight from the mythology one of our winter witches.  But be forewarned…not all of our witches are good: some are frightening cannibals or violent hags that embody the ruthless spirit of winter itself.  But history suggests that these witches were not always haggard old crones or even witches at all, but instead were once beautiful goddesses.  Today we’ll be looking at these winter witches, investigating their origins beyond superficial blog posts, and seeing how Christianity managed to turn divine goddesses into hook-nosed old crones who will rip our your organs.

Follow Us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crimesandwitchdemeanors

Submit your feedback or personal stories to [email protected] 

Episode Transcript: https://crimesandwitchdemeanors.com/2020/12/16/episode-007-the-witches-of-winter/ 

Visit the website: https://www.crimesandwitchdemeanors.com 

Like Us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/crimesandwitchdemeanors 

Main podcast illustration by GiAnna Ligammari: https://gialigammari.wixsite.com/portfolio 



Alexander, M. (2016, December 15). The Witches of Winter. Tor.Com. https://www.tor.com/2016/12/15/the-witches-of-winter/   Befana. (2020). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Befana&oldid=983971996   Crocker, S. (2020, November 19). The untold truth of Christmas witches. Grunge.Com. https://www.grunge.com/282226/the-untold-truth-of-christmas-witches/   Encyclopaedia Of The Impossible: Gryla. (2019, December 18). The Ghost In My Machine. https://theghostinmymachine.com/2019/12/18/encyclopaedia-of-the-impossible-gryla-iceland-christmas-ogre-troll-witch-cannibal-folklore-yule-lads-cat/   Frau Holle. (2020). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Frau_Holle&oldid=991428091   Motz, L. (1984). The Winter Goddess: Percht, Holda, and Related Figures. Folklore, 95(2), 151–166.   Perchta. (2020). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Perchta&oldid=994601711   Screw Santa Claus and Celebrate Befana, Italy’s Kidnapping Christmas Witch. (n.d.). Retrieved December 18, 2020, from https://www.vice.com/en/article/595y9n/screw-santa-claus-and-celebrate-befana-italys-kidnapping-christmas-witch   Smith, J. B. (2004). Perchta the Belly-Slitter and Her Kin: A View of Some Traditional Threatening Figures, Threats and Punishments. Folklore, 115(2), 167–186.   Terrifying Christmas witches, the “Yule Lads” and other festive traditions you may be less familiar with. (2019, December 9). Inews.Co.Uk. https://inews.co.uk/opinion/terrifying-christmas-witches-the-yule-lads-and-other-festive-traditions-you-may-be-less-familiar-with-372005   The Icelandic Legend of Jólakötturinn, A Giant “Yule Cat” Who Stalks Those Without New Clothes at Christmas. (2019, December 23). Laughing Squid. https://laughingsquid.com/jolakotturinn-yule-cat-icelandic-legend/   Why Does Santa Claus Come Down the Chimney? (2018, December 22). https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/90217/why-does-santa-claus-come-down-chimney   Wild Hunt. (2020). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wild_Hunt&oldid=991985936

Did you know that many of the attributes Santa Claus actually come from a beloved winter witch?  The giving gifts in a stocking if you’re good, leaving you a lump of coal if you’re bad, and the whole sliding down the chimney to do so schtick? Yeah, that’s all plucked straight from the mythology one of our winter witches.  But be forewarned…not all of our witches are good: some are frightening cannibals or violent hags that embody the ruthless spirit of winter itself.  But history suggests that these witches were not always haggard old crones or even witches at all, but instead were once beautiful goddesses.  Today we’ll be looking at these winter witches, investigating their origins beyond superficial blog posts, and seeing how Christianity managed to turn divine goddesses into hook-nosed old crones who will rip our your organs.

Follow Us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crimesandwitchdemeanors

Submit your feedback or personal stories to [email protected] 

Episode Transcript: https://crimesandwitchdemeanors.com/2020/12/16/episode-007-the-witches-of-winter/ 

Visit the website: https://www.crimesandwitchdemeanors.com 

Like Us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/crimesandwitchdemeanors 

Main podcast illustration by GiAnna Ligammari: https://gialigammari.wixsite.com/portfolio 



Alexander, M. (2016, December 15). The Witches of Winter. Tor.Com. https://www.tor.com/2016/12/15/the-witches-of-winter/   Befana. (2020). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Befana&oldid=983971996   Crocker, S. (2020, November 19). The untold truth of Christmas witches. Grunge.Com. https://www.grunge.com/282226/the-untold-truth-of-christmas-witches/   Encyclopaedia Of The Impossible: Gryla. (2019, December 18). The Ghost In My Machine. https://theghostinmymachine.com/2019/12/18/encyclopaedia-of-the-impossible-gryla-iceland-christmas-ogre-troll-witch-cannibal-folklore-yule-lads-cat/   Frau Holle. (2020). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Frau_Holle&oldid=991428091   Motz, L. (1984). The Winter Goddess: Percht, Holda, and Related Figures. Folklore, 95(2), 151–166.   Perchta. (2020). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Perchta&oldid=994601711   Screw Santa Claus and Celebrate Befana, Italy’s Kidnapping Christmas Witch. (n.d.). Retrieved December 18, 2020, from https://www.vice.com/en/article/595y9n/screw-santa-claus-and-celebrate-befana-italys-kidnapping-christmas-witch   Smith, J. B. (2004). Perchta the Belly-Slitter and Her Kin: A View of Some Traditional Threatening Figures, Threats and Punishments. Folklore, 115(2), 167–186.   Terrifying Christmas witches, the “Yule Lads” and other festive traditions you may be less familiar with. (2019, December 9). Inews.Co.Uk. https://inews.co.uk/opinion/terrifying-christmas-witches-the-yule-lads-and-other-festive-traditions-you-may-be-less-familiar-with-372005   The Icelandic Legend of Jólakötturinn, A Giant “Yule Cat” Who Stalks Those Without New Clothes at Christmas. (2019, December 23). Laughing Squid. https://laughingsquid.com/jolakotturinn-yule-cat-icelandic-legend/   Why Does Santa Claus Come Down the Chimney? (2018, December 22). https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/90217/why-does-santa-claus-come-down-chimney   Wild Hunt. (2020). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wild_Hunt&oldid=991985936