In time for the US Congressional Hearings into the origins of Covid, we re-release this series - The Slow-Motion Chernobyl.  
Originally broadcast in February/March 2022, it was censored and blocked on Twitter and LinkedIn.   
Please listen. You will hear the true story of the Wuhan research laboratory complex.  You will not hear partisan political attacks but just the facts.   You will hear about the extraordinary censorship from film festivals to mainstream journalism to social media sites to the World Health Organization all to prevent you from knowing the true story of Covid.

Listen.  Comment. Subscribe.

And, as always, if there are any errors please let us know.  Unlike the agents of censorship, we will correct any mistakes!


The inside story of the most preventable, human-made disaster in history: the Covid virus that has affected countries around the world and killed somewhere between 18 and 24 million people. 
In our first episode - 'The Silent Chernobyl' - we showed how laboratory leaks occur frequently across the world but in China the safety standards are so low that it is common practice for some technicians to sell lab animals to local butchers for meat.   We examined the grotesque lack of professional standards in Chinese medical  labs - researching, against all common sense, dangerous viruses. 
In the second episode - ‘The Big Lie’ - we showed how Communist Chinese officials suppressed any investigation that may show the incompetence of their research infrastructure.
Throughout these episodes -  we told the stories of what happened in China using their words of the extraordinary whistleblowers like Chen Qiushi or  Zhang Zhan - who have been imprisoned, tortured and possibly killed for their work in exposing the appalling response by the Communist officials.
In this third episode, we examine how the Communist Chinese regime has been aided in their cover up by some of the largest international organizations, media companies and scientists. 
We call it ‘The Big Silence’...

Please rate, review or like this episode: would be hugely appreciated by Declan and the whole team of students.
Twitter: declan_hill