In time for the US Congressional Hearings into the origins of Covid, here is the release of our series - The Slow-Motion Chernobyl.

These are episodes that we, at CrimeWaves Podcast are both very proud of - the research is in-depth, shocking and has been proven absolutely correct - and still traumatized.   For this series was deliberately censored by both Twitter and LinkedIn at the time of broadcast.  
Please listen, you will hear nothing partisan, no personal or political attacks but it is the story of the greatest man-made plague in human history. 

 It was a slow motion Chernobyl. 
Here is what, the balance of probabilities tells us about the origins of this Covid epidemic that haunts us all. 
It was the worst industrial accident in the history of humanity.
In general, Chinese laboratory technicians are so badly trained, so ill-paid and so mis-guided that some of them used to sell infected research animals to local butchers.
The specific virologists in Wuhan lab played God. They created super-virulent viruses, more powerful than anything natural. 
Their methods like “finding a gas leak with a match”.
Their science so misguided nine years ago an academic warned of an 80% chance of a global epidemic.
When the near-inevitable leak came, they covered it up.
The Communist Chinese jailed anyone brave enough to warn the world.
The World Health Organization (WHO) helped them.
More than 12 million people have died and continue to die. 
It could happen again.
On - we examine, in a special five-part series, the ‘Crime of the Century’ - how it occurred and how it was covered-up. 

Please rate, review or like this episode: would be hugely appreciated by Declan and the whole team of students.
Twitter: declan_hill