Espn cricinfo senior writer George Dobell joins the show as the guest analyst this week. In this episode Dobell looks back at the impressive win by Root and team in Chennai. We rank this win in terms of relevant context of English overseas performances of the last decade.  The conversation is inclusive of the new demand of covid cricket - player rotation. Dobell emphasizes how demanding the covid bubbles can be on the psyches of the players and this can be seen as a needed development given the busy cricket cycle ahead.

Team compositions are also discussed ahead of the second test with focus on a certain Ben Foakes and Stuart Broad. From the Indian lens of things we try to address the position of Rohit sharma as the incumbent opener over a longer term. Last but not the least Dobell talks about the IPL and English cricket's white ball roadmap. Could this be at the cost of the red ball fortunes? Tune in to find out.

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