Is there an artist in your family? Is there more than one? What do you think the odds are of that?

Claire and Paige Connelly are sisters, twin sisters in fact. Although both have share a passion for art and followed the same academic path, each developed a unique style of art of their own.

Claire Connelly illustrates comic books, video games and storyboards. She has written, drawn and published Black Eyes and Down With the Ship among other comics.

Claire has collaborated with writer Eric Grissom on Animals and Erica Schultz (Erica credits include Dynamite Entertainment’s Charmed, Swords of Sorrow, Xena: Warrior Princess) on The Unauthorized Biography of Winston Churchill and Cheese: A Love Story. 

Claire is a video game aficionado and has a penchant for old video games.

Paige Connelly is an illustrator who specializes in graphite drawings, digital illustrations and character designs.

Paige’s credits include contributions to the RPG game magazine Wayfinder and in the gallery of Dungeon and Dragon’s Against the Slave Lord book reprint. In addition, each year she publishes her sketchbook Songs of Fablewood. 

What was art school like for them and how did it prepare them for life?

Without a large publisher gig, how do they promote their work? And how do they use social media? 

How do they measure the success of their work? 

What is one series they just started reading and highly recommend? Hint: it that just wrapped up after 40 years and was featured on NPR!

What comic project is Claire planning with Eric Schultz for 2019 involving lobsters? And why did Claire begin working with graphite? 

Plus: Claire ands Paige answer the fun questions ask including a few new ones they had lots of fun answering.


This is episode is sponsored by The Comic Book Shop in Wilmington Delaware


Paige Connelly’s website


Claire Connelly’s website


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