Artist Matthew Dow Smith (X-Files, Doctor Who and Batman ’66 Meets Steed and Mrs. Peel) represents the creative team behind the Kickstarter “Beasts of the Black Hand.”

Conceived/plotted by sculptor Paul Harding and written by Ron Marz, this 64 page over-size hard cover grpahic novel is set during the closing days of World War One and features historical figures Rasputin “The Mad Monk”, MI-6 Agent Oswald Rayner and… Monsters?!

We also get an update on the creator owned project Matt writes and draws: The October Girl

With my guest Matt, of course, we talk about one of our favorite classic sci-fi shows, Doctor Who!

Plus how Matt draws comics using digital tools, working with colorists and letters, and a whole lot more! Join us for this fun conversation!

Link to Beasts of the Black Hand Kickstarter (ends 11/30/17)

Creator Talks Podcast