Last week I spoke with two comic book professionals, writer Ron Marz and artist Darryl Banks about their Kickstarter Harken’s Raiders. If you haven’t heard it, you might want to very soon, their Kickstarter ends Friday, December 21st.
In this installment, I speak with writer Nandor Fox Shaffer who is launching his second Kickstarter, Lifeline. It will be a 96-page graphic novel. The campaign ends on the first day of the New Year 2019.
Lifeline is a celebration of indie creator collaboration. Seven artists from around the world will each provide a chapter of art for Nandor’s story of Lewis Wakefield’s life. 
Each chapter takes place during a different decade of Lewis’ life as told through the eyes of his father, wife, best friend, daughter, a stranger, and his grandson.
In the end, Lewis will ask himself one of life’s most important questions  “Was my it worth living?” 
Why did Nandor decide to postpone his college education to work on writing comics?  What are his future plans?
How did Doctor Who inspire Nandor to become a comic book writer? We talk about Nandor’s favorite two iconic science fictions series, Star Wars and Doctor Who.
Nandor makes a case for why he prefers the prequels  to the original trilogy and current Star Wars movies!
What comic book writer is Nandor a huge fan and why? 
We dig into his artistic collaborators on Lifeline and talk about his previous Kickstarter Seasons. Nandor also shares how to you can read Volume 1: Spring and when we can expect Volume 2: Summer.
We run down the fun questions I ask all my guests, and talk about technology that we both love that is obsolete and how Nandor’s preference for it lead him to acquiring, purely by chance, one of his most treasured collectables!


This is episode is sponsored by The Comic Book Shop in Wilmington, Delaware


Kickstarter for Lifeline


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