I don’t know how it happened, but I sneezed and somehow we’re now weeks away from the end of yet another quarter -- and not just any quarter. The second quarter. Which means we’re almost halfway through the entire year.


While I’d love to say that I’ve got all my ducks in a row, and all of my plans to "crush my goals" or whatever are going along swimmingly, I would be lying.

Here’s the thing though.

Now that the finish line is in sight, I’ve noticed a lot of people saying, “I don’t have time for this, I don’t have time for that” -- myself included, I’m not immune -- in a way that makes me wonder if that’s really the case.

Do we really not have enough time? 

It doesn’t matter if it’s crunch time or a slow down period, time is a commodity that’s always in short supply.

And while there are definitely instances where I genuinely, in good faith, do not have the time I thought I would have, I don’t think we’re always willing to admit with how much control we do have over our own schedules.

If I'm being honest with myself about my own behavior, I believe that sometimes we make the choice to not make the time for a task, no matter how big or small we think that task is.

I’m tired of hearing myself say, "I don't have time," when I probably do. Moreover, I’m tired of others saying it to me, when they want to offload a content project or something else that no longer fits in with what they want to be doing. 

So, this week, Marcella and I are taking a stand.

It's time for this cycle of kicking the proverbial can down the road to end. How do we stop lying to ourselves about how much time we do and do not have to get our work done?