We’ve talked about purposeful website design before, but there is more to a great website than just a functional design. There are many strategic components that go into a great website that are simple yet efficient changes anyone can implement.

Getting out of your own head, and thinking like your user is always a great place to start.

What do they want from my website?

What is the next logical step for them?

How is my content speaking to their problems?

How are they finding me?

By focusing on your messaging, conversation path, on page SEO, and your content overall you can significantly improve the experience your users have with you website without touching the design of the site itself. In other words: theses are things you can do yourself.

Join Justine and I as we talk about the simple oversights we see daily that could really improve the return you are seeing from your website.

...and if you need some help viewing your own site through a critical lens, reserve your own live website throwdown for free at the IMPACT Booth in Club INBOUND!