Recording this week's episode with Marcella was extra special because we were able to record it together, in person!

As a remote employee at IMPACT, I only get to come to Connecticut and see my fellow IMPACTers a few times a year.

The annual August trip has easily turned into my favorite because it's IMPACT Live week.

(For those of you who don't know, IMPACT hosts a two-day event where marketing and sales leaders come together to learn, collaborate, and make valuable connections.)

The week is action-packed with amazing events, learning sessions, and happy hours, but that also means we're all a little tight on time when it comes to our traditional work activities and responsibilities.

Marcella and I started chatting about what the best "time savers" were and there was one thing we both kept bringing up: templates.

Now, templates can be an array of things -- from templated website pages to playbooks for ABM strategy.

Listen in as Marcella and I discuss the pros and cons of templated work!

What kind of templates do you use? Let me know in the comments!