Last fall, as I was perusing the lineup for speakers for #INBOUND16 and assembling my schedule, there was one session that immediately caught my attention:

"Could a Robot Create Your Content?"

Within seconds of mentally processing the title, I knew I was registering for it. I also muttered in a rage to myself that if the presentation was anything other the phrase "ABSOLUTELY NOT!" projected onto a screen for 45 minutes straight, I was going to completely freak out.

Because I'm a rational adult and a professional who never overreacts about anything, ever.

Of course, there was much more to the presentation than that. (In fact, it wasn't even close to my anti-robot vision.) And, as you might have guessed, the answer to that loaded question has many layers to it. 

That's why this week, after forcing Shelby to watch the recording of the session I attended (linked above), we're talking about robots. Are they nefarious, dark overlords who will ruin my life, as well as content and marketing forever? Or, are they like automation, where there may be a time and a place? 

One thing we know for sure is that we're in a new era of rapidly-evolving technology; that means it's time to start tackling these questions before the 'bots take over. So, grab your tin foil hat and listen in on our discussion... 

WHAT DID WE TALK ABOUT? What's the difference between automation and robots? What if a robot is so good that you can't tell it's a robot? Where do robots fit into the movement toward hand-crafted work? Robots seek and emulate patterns, and yet humans seek deviation - where do they meet? Will you ever be able to outsource your content creation to a robot? What can Jurassic park teach us about robots and content creation?


RESOURCES AND STORIES WE MENTIONED: Design Isn't Art (Shelby) Dharmesh Shah's INBOUND keynote (Starts around ~39:00) The Two Vocabularies, Because There Are Two Audiences (Seth Godin) GrowthBot Which Marketing Strategy Is Better: Fear or Emotional Persuasion? (Kathleen) Uncanny valley Google Is a Total Dictator and It's Making Us All Better (Meghan Keaney Anderson) Creator's Block, Ep. 8: What Google's New Algorithm Change Means for Your Website 



What did you think of this episode? Is there another topic or question you want us to take on? Or do you just want to say hi? Reach out to us on Twitter at @CreatorsBlockHQ or using the hashtag #creatorsblockparty. You can say hi to me at @naptownpint and Shelby at @shelbstheging. You can also join us in the Creator's Block Podcast group on Facebook, where you can ask questions and get inspired.

And don’t forget - whether you love us or hate us - we would really appreciate you reviewing our podcast on iTunes

…until next week! 

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