We’ve talked a lot about collaboration, feedback, and project management in very abstract, generalized ways in previous episodes. But for the past two to three weeks, Christine and I have been proverbially attached at the hip to complete two massive projects with substantial content and design requirements.

For example, she and I -- with an assist from a few others -- had to stand up five new, from-scratch IMPACT website pages in a single week that were associated with our merger with The Sales Lion

Then, yesterday morning, she and I launched a more than 10,000-word pillar content offer for IMPACT about everything companies need to do before the pick up the phone to call a web design agency.

Granted, these two projects -- and their insane timelines -- were fringe cases, but they were also the first time Christine and I got to really work with each other in such an intense way since I officially joined the internal brand team.

More to the point, we had a crash course in how to not only successfully get big creative projects across the finish line, but also how to establish a rock-solid foundation for a long-lasting, collaborative marketer-and-designer relationship.

Since these projects are still so fresh in our minds, we thought this would be a great time to have Christine on as a guest to provide candid insights on what we did well, what we could have done better, and what it really takes for marketers and designers to partner up and be successful -- whether you're working on an in-house team or for clients in an agency setting.
