Every two weeks, Jessie-Lee, Marcella, and I meet to brainstorm ideas for the podcast.

Sometimes, we come up with topics based on questions we've been asked or common challenges we've seen "out in the wild." But then there are those times when one of us comes to the virtual table and says, "Guys, this is what I need to talk about this week."

(Our podcast can be a little like work therapy for us.)

It was a moment just like that, that inspired this episode. Jessie-Lee came to us and said, "I need to talk about the word 'expert.' It makes me uncomfortable, and I want to get your thoughts on it."

Though Jessie-Lee kept us in suspense until the day we recorded about why she didn't like the word and the story it tells, it was well worth the wait. And it turned out, we all did. 

"Expert" is such a funny word. It's meant to describe someone who is really good at or knowledgeable about something, which, superficially, sounds like a positive and useful label. 

What We Talked About Why the word "expert" really bothers Jessie-Lee.  Do we have to be an expert, or can we be good at a lot of things? Does the marketing industry force people into boxes or declaring an expertise "major"? The marketing buzzwords we hate. How do we express our value and legitimate expertise in a meaningful way? How do you differentiate yourself as a generalist? Resources We Talked About Marketing Specialist vs. Generalist: How to Hire for Your Team Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman Should You Stop Being an Expert? These Words Are Killing Your Message. Here's How to Fix it. We Want to Hear from You!

First, subscribe to Creator's Block on Apple Podcasts. Second, have a question or an idea for a future episode of the podcast? Let us know! 

Creator's Block: TwitterInstagram Jessie-Lee: TwitterInstagram Marcella: TwitterInstagram Liz: TwitterInstagram

Or, you can leave us a comment below! Until next week...

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