Mikael Cho is the co-founder and CEO of Unsplash. The world's leading image asset platform that boasts 100 million image downloads & 20 billion views per month.

Unsplash is used more than Flickr, Getty, and Shutterstock combined.

Let us know what you think on Twitter: @bzaidi and @mikaelcho

Watch the full convo on YouTube:

In this conversation, you'll learn:

how Mikael built Unsplash from a series of failed experiments balancing focus with experimentation how to create a growth flywheel why good ideas are still undervalued how to create a "superpower org chart" & find undiscovered talent how to get a large scale advertising business off the ground


00:00:00 Intro 00:02:32 What is Unsplash? 00:06:17 Scale 00:09:24 Failed Experiments + A Side Project 00:10:15 Starting Crew 00:13:46 When Side, Becomes Main 00:17:20 Selling Crew to Andrew Wilkinson (Dribbble) 00:18:42 Balancing Experimentation + Focus 00:21:03 Competing With Adobe + Shutterstock 00:22:55 Creator Economy's Middle Class 00:25:37 Develop A New Advertising Model 00:28:29 Unsplash = Internet Real Estate Company 00:31:51 Simplifying Product 00:34:52 Aligning Your Team 00:37:09 Product Design Changes That Surprised Mikael 00:39:39 "Wow" Moments 00:41:46 Unsplash Growth Flywheel 00:43:56 API + Partnerships 00:45:01 Future of Unsplash 00:46:18 Mikael's Business Philosophy 00:48:29 Validate With No Code 00:49:41 Ideas vs Execution 00:53:27 Knowing When to Stop A Project 00:56:18 Recruiting Key Employees 01:00:24 Finding Undiscovered Talent 01:02:32 Superpower Org Chart 01:07:04 Life Design Philosophy 01:11:23 Incorporating Physical Health into Company Culture 01:15:43 "Inbox Zero is a Waste of Time" 01:19:11 "Text Edit is One of the Greatest Apps Ever Made" 01:21:25 Writing Like You're Texting A Friend 01:24:52 Proactive Actions 01:31:33 Wrap-Up

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