This Bonus Episode

I’m sharing an interview with serial entrepreneur Lane Kennedy today as a bonus episode. Although Lane isn’t involved in the yarn industry, she has a lot to share about managing your business while being a mom. Since I’m not a mom, I thought her perspective would be helpful for listeners who are! I also thought this episode would pair nicely with my interview with Amy Ramnarine earlier this week about how she planned out her maternity leave.

About Lane Kennedy

Lane is a serial entrepreneur who is also a coach and a podcaster. Her message is all about empowering women and living a straightforward life. 

You can find Lane online on her website, on Facebook, and on Twitter

About the Interview

Lane is the daughter of an entrepreneur and has had an interesting series of careers and businesses that have brought her around the world. Later in life, she unexpectedly became pregnant while in the middle of launching a business. In this interview, we talked about the changes she made to her life to manage both her entrepreneurial endeavors and her family life.

Lane took 18 months off after her son was born and then slowly returned to her career. She shared several suggestions for moms who want to making the most out of their working time.

Find support. Lane started with 15 hours of child care weekly from someone she trusted as she transitioned back into running a business. Connect with other mompreneurs. Lane organized a local group of mom entrepreneurs for nearly 5 years. The group met monthly with a focus on networking and business development. Although the members were moms, the group focused on entrepreneurial topics rather than family life. Optimize your schedule and prioritize your time. Lane uses a shared calendar to chart out her week and separates family, personal, and business time. She also schedules tasks based on her natural rhythms so she can be more productive. Don’t forget to take time for yourself. Lane recommends taking a vacation alone at least once a year. If you enjoyed this episode

The Creative Yarn Entrepreneur Show is no longer broadcasting. Episodes are available as a service to the yarn community. This episode originally aired in April, 2015. Be aware that content may be outdated.

If you'd like to chat with other yarn-related business owners, join the Creative Yarn Entrepreneurs Facebook group. Support Marie's work by buying one of her books, Make Money Teaching Crochet: Launch Your Business, Increase Your Side Income, Reach More Students (Amazon | Gumroad) or Design It, Promote It, Sell It: Online Marketing for Your Crochet and Knit Patterns (Amazon | Gumroad).

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