Sara Leigh of Stitch of Whimsy couldn't find her dream clientele in her South Florida she had to take her whimsy on the road. I love hearing Sara's story about how evolving her brand and her wares led to the dream job she has today; being her own boss and creating too cute designs that sell! Sara is here to tell ya....if you want to make it and it's authentically you, the sales will come.


Find Sara:

@StitchOfWhimsy on Instagram

Stitch of Whimsy on Etsy


3 CWL Musts:


You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero


Six Feet Under


Mab Graves @MabGraves


 “The greats weren’t great cause at birth they could paint , the greats were great because they paint a lot." -Macklemore (From Ten Thousand Hours)