No offense to all the other quilter out there (me included)...but quilting has never looked so bad ass. Libs Elliott is creating handmade code generated quilts out of Canada, and maaaaaaaaaan is she making look like a rockstar's game. With gorgeous graphic fabric prints and ass kickin' quilt patterns to match, Libs is shaking up the quilt world and it's darn exciting.

We talk about why "grandma quilts" is NOT an insult, how hard work and a unique sense of self get you great places and the absolutely amazing quilting community (seriously, it's just like angels everywhere)


Follow Libs:

IG: LibsElliott


3 CWL Musts:

Read: Fall On Your Knees by Ann-Marie MacDonald

Follow: Chawne Kimber @CauchyComplete

Believe: "Don't just think about it, do it!"-Henrry Rollins