How will you integrate your day job and side hustle to save time? Here are
top three important tips on integrating both to save time.

It's the start of a New Year. This is the perfect time to get a jump on all of your goals that you want to accomplish.

Don't think because it's already a week in 2018 that it's too late. It's never too late to go after what you want especially if it's your dream. Whether it be that event you've always wanted to plan, the blog you want to start, or the book you want to write, now is the time to get the ball rolling on achieving those goals.

Many of us have a side hustle we want to succeed while working a 9-5 as well. So how will you integrate your day job and side hustle to save time?


Here are top three important tips on integrating both to save time: 

Plan and prepare

Planning and preparing both your side hustle and day job will not only save you time, but stress as well. Get a planner or calendar so you can  list all the tasks you need to do and get done.

Planning and preparing for both will save you time because you have your tasks in order and all in one place. You won't be frustrated or forgetful of what you need to do for both. It's just a matter of using these planning resources to better yourself at your side hustle and day job.

Simply take an hour or more of your free time on the weekend and plan your tasks for the work week ahead while also simultaneously  planning for your side hustle. Planning and preparing is for saving time and making sure everything is convenient for you too.


RELATED: How 5 entrepreneurial women with full time jobs spend their day



Multitasking is essential to saving time  when working full-time and working on your side hustle. You want to multitask when you can so that it will be beneficial and not a hindrance. For example, if your 9-5 requires you to do research,  you can also be researching for you side hustle as well.

On your lunch break, you can research possible  topics for your blog, or fabric for your potential clothing line. Does your 9-5 require you to do presentations? If so, you can utilize those same skills by working on a layout, business presentation or graphics for your side hustle.This will save a great amount of time because it eliminates tasks you need done a little faster by doing one



Prioritize all the tasks that you need to do for both. Prioritizing will save you much time because you can delegate what tasks you like to do first and which ones you would save to do at a later date. Do you have work project due immediately or can you work on more ideas for your side hustle? Prioritizing will only help with this, but making sure you are organized and maintaining a schedule for your side hustle and day job.


How will you be  saving time working on your side hustle and day job?

By Jalei Hawkins: 

I'm Jalei,  a young  professional based out of northern California. I'm a graduate of the Art Institute of San Francisco with a Bachelor's Degree in interior Design that enjoys being creative. I have worked with several architectural and customer focused firms along with a select group to establish creative environments to service customers over the last few years. My modern, quirky, hip style is a burst of energy that keeps me going.  Leading the pack in my own way through writing, designing and expressing creativity by assisting others in recommending design tips and projects to uplift my peers and followers.

I'm a soft spoken person with a high energy drive for success.  This drive has lead me to create, my personal site showcasing what I love while simultaneously keeping creativity in mind. I strive to continue this  blog journey helping others create positive environments that they can make reasonably and in style.