Every new year brings an abundance of new goals, dreams, resolutions and
definitely new accomplishments.

 In only three weeks, it will be the year 2018. Every new year brings an abundance of new goals, dreams, resolutions and definitely new accomplishments.


Image: CreateHer Stock 


With so many responsibilities and daily tasks that happen in our lives, it's hard to get it all done. Some people may be trying to go back to school, start a business, or even start a new career, but how will it all be possible.

Here the top three reasons you should track your wins during the entire year: 


Peace of Mind

The number one reason why you should keep an accomplishment list throughout the year is to keep your mind at ease. By writing a list, it lets you get all your ideas and goals out of your head and onto some paper or computer if you're writing it digitally.

You can clear your mind of thoughts and go to your list to see what you need to do, what needs to be done or what you’ve completed. We all want to get tasks accomplished so having a list keeps your mind from being scattered and full of so many things that you lose track of your goals.

There is nothing worse than having to do something, but suddenly forgetting what it was that you had to do to begin with. We want to eliminate these pesky forgettable moments entirely by keeping a list. 


Related: What people don’t tell you about goal setting


Keeps You Motivated

Another great reason to keep a list is to use it as a motivational tool. When you keep lists, you are setting plans in motion and taking  steps towards achieving your accomplishments. You are setting the tone to be productive by listing out exactly what you want to do for that day, week, month etc.

For example, you tell yourself to reach for a A plus on an exam, so you know you need to study so many hours to achieve it. When you write that down, it's not only motivating you to get that grade, but it’s a constant reminder to study.

By being motivated, you instantly become exciting for what's to come in the future. You will have the need to conquer it all because you wrote it down knowing that you want to take certain measures in order to pursue these accomplishments.


Helps with organization

We all can agree that being organized just helps anything run a little more smoothly. Organizing your accomplishments by keeping a list can make it not only easy, but less confusing.

Let's say you want to eat healthier, start a podcast and make jewelry. All these  goals require very different agendas, but by keeping a list, you can organize each category and outline needs for each without feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. You can then cross each one off as you complete them without feeling the need to do them all at the same time.

Being organized helps simplify the accomplishments in order for them to obtained in a way that's more convenient and less stressful for you.


                      Will you be keeping an accomplishment list this year?

By Jalei Hawkins: 

I'm Jalei,  a young  professional based out of northern California. I'm a graduate of the Art Institute of San Francisco with a Bachelor's Degree in interior Design that enjoys being creative. I have worked with several architectural and customer focused firms along with a select group to establish creative environments to service customers over the last few years. My modern, quirky, hip style is a burst of energy that keeps me going.  Leading the pack in my own way through writing, designing and expressing creativity by assisting others in recommending design tips and projects to uplift my peers and followers.

I'm a soft spoken person with a high energy drive for success.  This drive has lead me to create thalowerwestside.com, my personal site showcasing what I love while simultaneously keeping creativity in mind. I strive to continue this  blog journey helping others create positive environments that they can make reasonably and in style.