Creative Playdate is back!

Since the first season ended, my life turned upside down a bit - including a move to the DC area that we had 3.5 weeks to plan. 

I'm thrilled to be back with new episodes and I'm kicking off the season with medical illustrator, Merlin Strangeway. Her work is incredibly varied in both style and technique, which is necessitated, somewhat, by the field. The work Merlin does with clients is fascinating and I think you'll enjoy learning more about the world of medical illustration.

Merlin made the surprising decision to start her freelance illustration business just as she was first becoming a mother. We talk about that decision and how her career has grown alongside her 9 year old daughter. Merlin has an optimistic, yet realistic outlook on parenting alongside a career in illustration that we could all probably use, sometimes.

Thank you for being patient while I worked on season 2 and thank you for listening to the show! If you are enjoying it, please give the show 5 stars on Apple Podcasts and review it as well, if you are so inclined. And of course, subscribe!

You can find out more about myself and my work at and you can follow me on Twitter and Instagram. Oh, and if you'd like to hear me talk about me for a bit, you can listen to the Being Freelance podcast. It's a great show even if you don't want to hear me talk about me.

The theme music to the show was created by Thomas James and Jason Ritz and the show is syndicated at

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