TusCon 50 Panel TusCon teamups, what have your favorite attendees been working on together?

Recorded live 11/11/2023 Saturday – Ballroom 1:00 pm 2:00 pm


What happens when you lock a bunch of creatives in a hotel for 3 days?  They get to know each other, they get ideas, they even decide to do projects together.  Like that William Shaw movie we’re showing in a couple of hours. So we’ve gotten a few of our people who have done projects together to talk about how that happens, and even to preview a few things they’ve got coming that wouldn’t exist without this convention.

Eric Schumacher, David Lee Summers, Geoff Notkin, William Herr, Chaz Kemp


Eric Schumacher,




David Lee Summers



Geoff Notkin, the Science Guest of Honor!

CEO of Aerolite Meteorites Inc, a leader in meteorite research and recovery.

William Herr


Chaz Kemp 


And a huge Thank you to the TusCon Board, Panelists, Volunteers, and fantastic Con Suite hosts! Chek out more about TusCon at https://tusconscificon.com/

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