Tuscon 45 The Costumer's Toolbox Surviving Your Next BIG Project

Check out more about TusCon Sci Fi convention at: https://tusconscificon.com/

Join Madame Askew, Temperance, Evie, DiAngele and Gaius of the Indigo path on an informative panel at TusCon 45 on what’s in these Costumer's Toolboxes and on how they Survive their Projects.


The guests answer a few helpful questions like:

What is a tool in your tool box you can’t live without?

What is a tool new crafter’s should embrace?

Is there a tool that terrified you that you now use?

Silicone Finger Protectors:


Wonder Clips:


The most over rated tool?


Fabric Pattern Weights:


Tailor's Ham:


Find Madame Askew at: https://www.facebook.com/MadameAskew/

Evie at: https://www.facebook.com/evie.betz

and The Indigo path at: https://www.facebook.com/theindigopath/


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