A Podcast Version of the Art Show on Welcombe Radio.  The Art show is on every Saturday Morning 11am - 12 GMT.  I host the show once a month..and here it is!!

You can listen to Welcombe Community Radio at the website below. It's a wonderful station full of great shows all week long!!

Welcombe Radio

In this show I chat with local Warwickshire Artist & Tutor, Nick Logan.  

We discuss the importance of life drawing or just simply learning to observe and create from life.  Why it's important and also how fun and creative it is!!

We talk about oil painting, again, how simple a medium it can be, some of the Pitfalls and also Nick's top 3 pieces of advice for oil painting.

One of the central themes that runs throughout the show is the nature of learning. Nick gives great insight into the processes of learning and some genuinely uplifting and thought provoking ideas on the subject of learning to draw and paint...and ultimately how we should be focusing on enjoying our learning journey, less on the end result!

Another inspiring and interesting artist gives a glimpse into their mind.


You find Nick Logan here:



Find Tom at:




YouTube - TomShepherd Art



Thanks for listening!!
