In times where our divisions are highlighted in the media constantly, Brennen Matthews book, "Miles to Go: An African Family in Search of America Along Route 66", offers a different, more united version of America. One through the lens of a family who, by according to some "SHOULD have been" victims of prejudicial treatment (an African bi-racial family in America), saw nothing but beauty all throughout middle-America and its inhabitants and travelers.

Hear about his experiences working in charity, journalism, and how he and his wife decided to take a road trip across a country native to NEITHER of them with their young son, which was then documented beautifully in Brennen Matthews book, "Miles to Go: An African Family in Search of America Along Route 66", which he talks about researching, traveling, and writing about. Amongst other things.

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Get your copy of: Miles to Go: An African Family in Search of America Along Route 66 on Amazon.

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